this is how I dream of summer in February.
besides, it gives reason to laziness.
particularly under big, shady trees.
hopefully with a summer breeze.

hot means no dinners in the oven.
last weekend I made an olive oil sauce, which I have eaten all week.
pasta, chicken, peppers, tomatoes, bread, eggs – any and all of these combinations.
it is simple and absolutely delicious, olive oil & spice:


¼ cup olive oil
3-4 cloves garlic
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp blue basil (or regular)
1 tsp bay leaf (crushed)
1 tsp black pepper
½ tsp thyme
½ tsp red pepper
¼ tsp sea salt (or regular)

what TO DO

finely chop the garlic
heat the olive oil and garlic on the stovetop for about 3-5 mins
mix the remaining ingredients together
add the mix to the hot garlic/olive oil
heat for another 5 mins, stirring occasionally

Let the sauce cool and pour into a bottle.
Keep in the refrigerator for up to 10 days (if it lasts that long)
Before using the sauce you may want to heat it up

Happy August!  

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